Weathered Elegance ~ Magnolia Pearl


Weathered Elegance ~ Magnolia Pearl


Weathered Elegance ~ Magnolia Pearl

Produced in collaboration with guest writer, Caitlin Phillips, Ann Arbor townie, realtor, history lover, and neighbor to MIX.

MIX curated collection, Magnolia Pearl.

Magnolia Pearl's iconic styling has made the brand famous with its timeless wearable art and relaxed comfort. MIX’s Magnolia Pearl collection features historically inspired fabrics, antique laces, and soft denim. Sought after Magnolia Pearl flowing tops, bottoms, dresses, and inspired adornments are all sold here at MIX. 

Why is Magnolia Pearl so alluring?  
Today we ask you to peer through our lens and focus on our featured artisan Magnolia Pearl. Caitlin Phillips, Ann Arbor townie, realtor, history lover, and neighbor to MIX, shared her appreciation for the brand with us. We think you’ll agree that she captured the inspiration that the brand exudes.  What do you think?

 "Perched among the Vineyards and Peach Orchards in Fredericksburg Texas, near the Southern border of the United States; Creative Artist Robin Brown shares her influence and ethos with us as the style brand Magnolia Pearl.

With a nod towards yesteryear, Magnolia Pearl has been busy creating high quality, comfortable and very wearable art pieces that bring into the present, the coveted adornments of our past.  Each handcrafted piece of wearable art created by Magnolia Pearl is a treasure.
When you slip into one of Magnolia Pearl’s easy pieces, you can expect to enter a world of generous design and confidence.  You will notice your own appreciation for exquisite fabric choices and craftsmanship begin to bloom. Expect a color palette that is soothing and approachable. This designer is a master at evoking a certain romance, and emotions of innocence simultaneously.
Each design reflects American artisanship through flattering creative design and masterful stitch work. Magnolia Pearl generates feelings of ease and comfort by offering free-flowing fabrics spun into the most beautiful contemporary fashion we have had the privilege to wear. " 
MIX brings these designs out of the ethereal world of Magnolia Pearl and into your wardrobe, to be enjoyed and shared in your own life’s story. 


At MIX, our goal is to take you into a world filled with inspiration and imagination. We see fashion in the context of art. In our experience, we know that your fashion plays a large part in telling your story. MIX strives to introduce our region to globally, nationally and locally recognized designers that create fashion of highest quality textiles for art collectors, fashionistas, influencers, creative personalities, and lovers of unique style.

How will you express your style today?  If your answer is the Contemporary Rebel, well…. MIX has you covered. Do you sometimes feel like the message you want to send is Creative Casual? Maybe you look to send the message that you are approachabletrustworthy, confident and capable. No matter what you want your story to be, MIX can help curate the clothing and accessories for telling your personal story, one look at a time.

By BrandHrt SMC Collaborator